Be responsible of the most important thing in the company and manage the people it’s quite a challenge. Paperwork for you seems to capture all your time from the recruiting process, hiring to integrate to the team. Documenta DMS helps you by automatizing all the process so you can have acces to all the information needed in time.
- Learning and development
Dealing with keeping track of all the documentation for every employee, create new template documents that are required Documenta DMS allows training assignments to be created.
- Employee information management
Because Documenta DMS stores all the documents within the company you can easy keep track of all the additional documents of your employee. Starting diplomas, certifications and other additional.
Automate workflows
Using automates day-to-day process it become one of the most important aspects for any company. Using an automate workflow make it easy and faster than any other process. Use it for HR workflows to keep track of all the,hirings, contract, payments, holidays of every employee and other information. With Documenta DMS, means you can provide the right information on time!
- Protect sensitive information
Documenta DMS it make easy to organize documents and give fast acces to it but give restrain access to unauthorized people to acces it. We know that in your department confidentiality is very important,Documenta DMS manage permission and acces rights ensuring data protection.